In order to facilitate the exchanges of Chinese and foreign personnel, the Commissioner's Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Macao SAR will reduce visa fees for China (Mainland only) from December 11, 2023 to December 31, 2024. The new fee standards are attached.
Visa applications accepted before December 11, 2023 will be charged at the original rate.
Our visa consultation hotline: +853-87915126 (answering time: 14:30-18:30 on working days); Chinese Visa Application Center in Macao Tel: +853-87998117/8, E-mail:
Visa fee standards of the Commissioner's Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Macao
(单位Currency: 澳门元MOP)
国家 Country | 一次签证 Single Entry | 二次签证 Double Entries | 半年多次签证 Multiple Entries (for 6 months) | 一年及以上多次签证Multiple Entries (for 1 year and above) |
阿尔巴尼亚 Albania | 免签证费、不免急件费 Regular visa fee waived | |||
安哥拉 Angola | 970 | |||
阿根廷 Argentina | 900 | |||
白俄罗斯 Belarus | 免签证费和急件费(仅限未满16周岁人员) Regular visa fee waived and express charges waived (for applicants under 16 only) | |||
贝宁 Benin | 680 | 1020 | 1360 | 2040 |
波黑 Bosnia and Herzegovina | 免签证费、不免急件费 Regular visa fee waived | |||
博茨瓦纳 Botswana | 810 | 1215 | 1620 | 2430 |
巴西 Brazil | 860 | |||
保加利亚 Bulgaria | 480 | 720 | 960 | 1440 |
布隆迪 Burundi | 570 | 855 | 1140 | 1710 |
喀麦隆 Cameroon | 570 | 855 | 1140 | 1710 |
加拿大 Canada | 470 | |||
智利 Chile | 免签证费、不免急件费(仅限F、L、M、Q2、S2字签证) Regular visa fee waived (for visa type F, L, M, Q2 and S2 only) | |||
刚果(布) Republic Congo | 510 | 765 | 1020 | 1530 |
刚果(金) D.R. Congo | 710 | 1065 | 1420 | 2130 |
科特迪瓦 Cote d'Ivoire | 710 | 1065 | 1420 | 2130 |
加蓬 Gabon | 490 | 735 | 980 | 1470 |
加纳 Ghana | 600 | |||
伊朗 Iran | 600 | 900 | 1200 | 1800 |
以色列 Israel | 170 | |||
吉尔吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyzstan | 480 | 720 | 960 | 1440 |
莱索托 Lesotho | 750 | 1125 | 1500 | 2250 |
利比里亚 Liberia | 580 | 870 | 1160 | 1740 |
马其顿 Macedonia | 530 | 795 | 1060 | 1590 |
马达加斯加 Madagascar | 660 | 990 | 1320 | 1980 |
马尔代夫 Maldives | 免签证费和急件费 Regular visa fee waived and express charges waived | |||
毛里塔尼亚 Mauritania | 770 | 1155 | 1540 | 2310 |
密克罗尼西亚 Micronesia | 免签证费、不免急件费 Regular visa fee waived | |||
莫桑比克 Mozambique | 720 | 1080 | 1440 | 2160 |
纳米比亚 Namibia | 580 | 870 | 1160 | 1740 |
新西兰 New Zealand | 640 | 960 | 1280 | 1920 |
巴基斯坦 Pakistan | 免签证费和急件费 Regular visa fee waived and express charges waived | |||
巴拿马 Panama | 360 | |||
罗马尼亚 Romania | 460 | 610 | 920 | 1365 |
沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia | 480 | 720 | 960 | 1440 |
塞尔维亚 Serbia | 15 | |||
乌干达 Uganda | 670 | 1005 | 1340 | 2010 |
英国 United Kingdom | 890 | |||
美国 United States of America | 1125 | |||
1370(J1/J2) | ||||
乌兹别克斯坦 Uzbekistan | 490 | 735 | 980 | 1470 |
委内瑞拉 Venezuela | 580 | 870 | 1160 | 1740 |
也门 Yemen | 530 | 795 | 1060 | 1590 |
其他国家 Other Countries | 240 | 360 | 480 | 720 |